Evergreen Troubleshooting

*Please first try a power cycle of the Evergreen as it may fix the issue pertaining to your device

How to Power Cycle My Evergreen Miner

  • Unplug the barrel power connection from all of your devices.
  • Re-plug in your hub and wait until the LED is RED or BLUE.
  • Re-plug in your drives one at a time staggering the spin-up of the drives by 10-15 seconds

How Many Hard Drives can I Connect to one Evergreen Hub?

Based on the model of the hub shipped to you:

  • Raspberry Pi: 14 drives
  • Rock Pi: 25 drives
    *based on internal testing results

Evergreen Hub LED meanings

:white_circle:   Evergreen Hub is booting

Depending on your device model, the LED will be teal before changing to the next state.

:red_circle:   Evergreen Hub is offline

Connect via Ethernet or add WiFi via the mobile app.

:large_blue_circle:   Evergreen Hub needs additional setup

Connect via Ethernet or add WiFi via the mobile app.

:purple_circle:   Evergreen Hub is downloading update

Do not unplug the device during this state.

:green_circle:   Evergreen Hub is farming

Device is connected to the network.